Introduction A CPU needs to be cool in order to perform at its best, and finding the right one is crucial to a cool, quiet, and fast machine. With power limits and TDPs rising, and with socket keep out zones
Tag: Buying Guide

Introduction Motherboards are the centerpiece of any computer and finding one that suits your need can be hard. The motherboard can vary significantly in price and features. While most people can get away with buying what looks good within budget,

After Rocksteady’s Batman Arkham Knight, WB Games Montreal is releasing the next installment to WB’s Batverse Gotham Knights on 25 Oct 2022 and is currently available for pre-ordering, but should you ? Let’s find out by analyzing what we know

Introduction Choosing a CPU best suiting to your purpose and budget can be a tedious task given the variety of options we have at our disposal today. Whether you are upgrading your existing system or building a new PC entirely,

Preamble : This guide is intended to provide quick buying recommendations (US market only for now). For more exhaustive list of PSU recommendations please visit our PSU Tier List article. Some things to keep in mind when choosing a PSU

Introduction RAM is one of the lesser cared about parts in a PC. However, they are incredibly important to the functioning of your PC. Simply put, RAM stores data from every open program to quickly access it, because RAM is

Introduction Choosing a CPU best suiting your purpose and budget can be a tedious task given the variety of options we have at our disposal today. Whether you’re upgrading your existing system or building a new PC, we intend to

Introduction Choosing the right AIO Liquid Cooler is not as easy as you may think. some AIOs are rebadged products from an OEM, some AIOs are not well known but really good, or that rare occasion where it wants to

Introduction Choosing the correct cooler for cooling your processor might look complicated to choose but in fact, it’s one of the easiest to choose and with this guide, we will be helping you on how to choose the best cooler

Preamble : This guide is intended to provide quick buying recommendations for US market as of the time of writing. For more exhaustive list of PSU recommendations please visit our PSU Tier List article. Some things to keep in mind