I don’t think I have been this excited about a motherboard before. From the moment I saw the leaked colorful PCB of this motherboard I have been drooling over it. After all this time we finally get a motherboard that
Category: mobocultists

There. I’ve said it. There is no need for such overpacked, overkill VRMs everywhere! Why is so big? The constatation For the last few generations of CPU now, the motherboards coming along have been advertising bigger and bigger VRMs, with

Introduction Today is the day… exactly one year ago at midnight, we launched our site to the wide world. And on this beautiful Monday afternoon I decided to drag a granite table across the garden to take some pictures of

Introduction Motherboards are the centerpiece of any computer and finding one that suits your need can be hard. The motherboard can vary significantly in price and features. While most people can get away with buying what looks good within budget,

GIGABYTE recently released a newspress regarding their Z690i Aorus Ultra motherboard. A number of users have been reporting instability and WHEA PCIe errors when using pcie gen 4 graphics cards paired with both DDR4 and DDR5 versions of the board.

Image: Wccftech Wccftech has released images of an unreleased MSI WRX80 motherboard. The PCB suggests the name as “WS WRX80”. This comes shortly after AMD’s announcement of the Threadripper 5000 Pro series and appears to be the board used in

Asus made a public annoucement on Facebook saying it identified a flaw on the Z690 Maximus Hero motherboard. As Buildzoid suggested, there a reversed capacitor on the PCB causing damage to the board. Asus is now aware of it and

Asus held an online presentation to announce their new products. Among those were the new Asus ROG motherboards featuring the z690 intel chipset for the new Alder Lake CPUs from Intel. From the Strix-F to the Maximus Extreme Glacial, Asus

(Image credit: MSI) Today, in a Twitter post, MSI teased some images on their upcoming Z690 lineup of boards for Intel’s 12th gen Alder Lake CPUs. These pictures aren’t very descriptive on their own, but hardware Twitter user momomo_us found

Photo by Sven Finger on Unisplash Basic Concept A motherboard connects the processor with its random access memory (RAM) throughout different variations of DIMM(Dual Inline Memory Module) topologies. On most consumer motherboards the RAM ICs are located on memory modules