Introduction Early last year I had the idea to get a nice mechanical board to take with me, and my eyes fell on the KBD67 Lite. After some issues around a different part in my order the kit came in
Tag: Review

Introduction A few months ago, our writer Leo decided to send me a late gift for my birthday. He didn’t tell me anything until one day a package showed up at my house. Surprisingly, the very PSU I’m reviewing was

Introduction So far, we’ve mostly covered various ATX units… So, let’s change things up a bit and cover something smaller. With a density of almost 1000w per liter, the SX1000 is impressive on its own already, but how does it

Introduction After covering the release of the Alta G1M last year in one of our news articles, Silverstone contacted us if we would be interested to check it out, together with their SX1000 PSU. Featuring a vertical layout, loads of

Introduction Today we’re going to have a look at project “Mote Rosa” (aka CX650F) from Corsair. This is a unit verified at 80+ silver, but marketed at 80+ bronze. It shares many parts with the Vengeance Silver, which was discontinued

Introduction Today we’re taking a look at the EVGA XR1 Lite, one of the cheapest 1080p60 capture cards on the market. This is EVGA’s 2nd capture card on the market and it’s meant to be a cheaper variant of their

Introduction : Today we’re looking at the 650W version of EVGA GT PSU. EVGA is not a newcomer to the PSU market, and some of their PSUs were very well received in the past, particularly Super Flower-made G2/P2/T2 series, although