Performance Results

Note: these are first party numbers, so take these with a massive grain of salt.

12th Generation Desktop Series

13 SKUs
Up to 16 cores (2/4/6/8P+0/4/8E)
Up to 24 threads
Up to 5.1 GHz turbo
46-65w base power usage
89-202w turbo power usage

12th Generation Desktop T-series

9 SKUs
Up to 16 cores (2/4/6/8P+0/4/8E)
Up to 24 threads
Up to 4.9 GHz turbo
35w base power usage
69-106w turbo power usage

12th Generation Mobile H-series

8 SKUs
Up to 14 cores (4/6P+4/8E)
Up to 20 threads
Up to 5 GHz turbo
45W base power usage
95w-115W turbo power usage

12th Generation Mobile P-series

6 SKUs
Up to 14 cores (2/4/6p+8e)
Up to 16 threads
Up to 4.8 GHz turbo
28w base power usage
64w turbo power usage

12th Generation Mobile U-series

14 SKUs
Up to 10 cores (2p+4/8e)
Up to 12 threads
Up to 4.8GHz turbo
9-15w base power usage
29-55w turbo power usage

New Chipsets

3 new chipsets

Intel Laminar Coolers

Evo Platform

More than 100 designs
Intel evo platform 3rd specification
multidevice experience
Intel bought out Screenivate, coming to intel evo platform holiday 2022
works with Intel laptop, android and iphone, watches TVs

Intel Arc Mobile

50 designs coming soon
Coming in Q1 2022

Intel deep link

Dynamic power share between CPU and GPU
“1.4x faster than pure CPU/GPU encoding on the same hardware”
Combines CPU and GPU in encoding instead of using just one of them

XESS Upscaling


Mobileye EyeQ Ultra

176 TOPs
4.2 Teraflops
12 RISC-V cores (12C24T)
64 accelerator cores
2.4GPxl/s ISP

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